Kalizoth A.

Oddjob pirate, Kali collects items & information of interest.

Knows how keep a ship sailing, on the seas or in the skies.
Can swing a sword or shoot a target if needed.
Usually wearing an eyepatch.

skills: machinery, carpentry, repairs, basic gunplay, basic swordplay, basic aetherology

works: courier, transporter, supplier, acquisitions, interceptions

She'll make sure what you need goes where you need it.

(( OOC info ))

Big friendly gay pirate looking to share some casual RP moments swapping stories & goofing off!

Open for a bit of light combat, light drama, and/or light flirting.
For anything more than that, please ask OOC!


• she gets sick thinking about Aetherytes dissolving her body, and prefers traveling via other methods

• she can geek out about different airship designs and modes of flight

• she loves swapping travel stories and hearing about new places to see

• she doesn't mind telling the story behind her bad eye

I'm fairly new to ffXIV RP, and I'm still thinking about who this character is.

More to come soon!